:+(91)-7417805283 | 8755626042 :contact@qmssurgicals.com

Plastic Surgery Instruments


Adenoid Curettes

Adenoid Cutting Forecps and Nasal Knives


Antrum Retractor and Antrum Frontal Sinus Wash Cannulas

Nasal and Adenoid Curettes


Nasal chisels and Gouges


Nasal Cutting Forceps

Nasal Polypus and Septum Compression Forceps


Nasal Rasps


Nasal Septum Chisels


Nasal Septum Chisels and Nasal Saws


Nasal Septum Elevators

Nasal Snares,Dressings and Tempon Forceps

Nasal Speculas


Rasps With Tungsten Carbide Inserts

Rhinoplastic Instruments


Rhinoplastic, Nasal and Septum Knives


Septum Compression Forceps


Septum Straighting and Septum Punch Forceps